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How do you stay inspired throughout this tough year?

I know that a lot of artists are introverted. I generally prefer to stay home than to go out socializing. Although, I am not the young party girl I used to be. I definitely socialized more in my younger years! Do you need motivation to be social? Probably.

This past year under Covid has taught me that I DO need to leave my house. I DO need to talk to people. Antsy, confined, restless, stir crazy, cabin fever! They have a lot of names for what we are going through. So, if I can not be a socially active introvert because I'm told to stay home then I have to really be aware of getting out of my funks.

I often think, "Why aren't I motivated to paint?" I blamed the weather. "Argh, it's too cold". I blamed the lack of space. "Hmph, my studio is too small" I blamed my hormones. Aack, I'm too hormonal". Obviously none of these things should matter. I want to be a full time artist. I should be motivated to be creating in my cute, little studio (which is my converted dining room).

I have come up with a short list I think will help me to keep a happy, healthy daily art practice!

1. Keeping a clean, organized studio

What's the opposite of a type A personality? Sometimes I would joke that I am a type Z personality. Like the farthest point away from a type A personality a person could get. My sister got all of the organizational skills and I got some height. This is probably my biggest struggle; keeping an organized studio. I don't like putting things away. I don't have a set studio schedule, so I can just stop working at any point and wander off to sit in front of the TV or to go look in the refrigerator. (Note to self; it's pretty bare in there.) If everything in my studio is out of place and there is no room on my table, it is difficult to get into creating because, obviously, I have no space to create in or on. So, I must make the time to clean and organize my studio at the end of a paint session so that the next time I walk into it, I am ready to go. Or maybe I could devote some minutes every morning to organizing a section. Right? Mess it up, clean it up. A beautiful cycle begins. #2021goals

2. Listening to or watching other artists

I am a big fan of art podcasts. Little side note, my second favorite are video game podcasts. I am totally obsessed with the PSVR game #Beatsaber. I traded in my airmiles during their boxing day sale for a PlayStation virtual reality and I've played Beatsaber almost every day since it arrived. Ok, back to our main note! I subscribe to many art podcasts and I'm always searching for new ones. They are an endless source of information. So, if I start listening to a podcast and the artist is excited to be talking about their art, it's easy for me to get excited with them and to want to paint. So, I have to shut off the TV shows and turn on a podcast. If my TV is on, turning to an art video on YouTube is another way to get motivated. There could be hundreds of thousands of art videos (I tried asking Google for a number but she didn't want to tell me). Could there be millions? I have favorites, of course. Robert Burridge - BobBlast has quick tutorials, tips and techniques. Louise Fletcher's 'This Painting Life' is inspiring and motivating. Art Juice podcast is hers as well with Alice Sheridan. And they are a blast to listen to.

3. Setting a Purpose

I am often more inspired to paint if I have a reason to do so. If I had a market or an art show to prepare for. Sometimes I need to create a painting for a class or a paint night. So, if I don't have a show or market, I can be more motivated by having a simpler reason; I need to post something new on social media. Facebook is always reminding me I haven't posted anything new in awhile. 'Thanks for the friendly reminder, Facebook'.

I also have to remember to paint for myself; to paint free from expectations and rules and to just enjoy myself. I am happy when I'm painting. Sometimes I actually laugh out loud. I'll be like 'Surprise! Look at what I have just created!' LOL

4. Getting Dressed for Work

I like pajamas. They are soft and loose and comfy. If however, I stay in my pajamas all morning, I am not inclined to start the day. I discovered that if I shower and do my hair and put on nice clothes, I am more motivated to accomplish something. After all, why let that effort go to waste? Now, I'm ready for that selfie in the studio!

Look at me practicing my model mood! I watched every season

of America's Next Top Model. I try. LOL

I am on a journey of growing and learning and I am always looking for ways to make my journey a happy one. Painting is part of my happy journey and I am so thankful for that!

What are your main inspirations? What techniques do you use to get your butt into the studio if you're in a funk?

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